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Equal Measures 2030’s Advocates Survey

Take part in Equal Measures 2030’s Advocates Survey to share your views on progress towards gender equality!
Equal Measures 2030 is an independent civil society and private sector-led partnership that connects data and evidence with advocacy and action, helping to fuel progress towards gender equality. We envision a world where gender equality is achieved, and every girl and woman counts and is counted.
The findings of this survey will be used to better understand the perceptions and behaviours of gender equality advocates, especially in relation to current progress toward gender equality, information needs, and use of data and evidence for advocacy. It will inform the design and work of Equal Measures 2030 and its partners, and the results will be compiled, analysed and shared in Autumn 2018.
Before you complete the survey, please read the EM2030 Privacy and Data Use policy.
The survey takes, on average, just 15 minutes to complete. Please identify Ukraine in the third question “National or sub-national (including province, district, community, etc.)” if you prefer to answer the questions from a national perspective.
Please click here to start the Equal Measures 2030’s Advocates Survey.(Deadline for your response is May, 20th 2018.)
We greatly appreciate your support in sharing and promoting this survey as widely as possible with your colleagues, partners, and contacts so that we have insights from gender equality champions from civil society, government, and the private sector across the globe!
If you have any other questions, please reach KPMG in Ukraine via markets@kpmg.ua
Thank you for your voice.
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