Social brand and
project development
O2 - Social Brand Building Solutions O2 - Integrated Marketing Communications O2 - Internet Marketing O2 - Direct Marketing
О2 Direct Marketing Division completely shares David Ogilvy’s favoring Direct Marketing, we suppose it «our first love and secret weapon», the way he does.

«People, who work with clients, should not consider advertising an art. Our clients do not care about how many awards we have won in Cannes. They pay us so that we could sell their product, and for nothing more». David Ogilvy.

О2 Direct Marketing Division being the O2 Social Marketing Agency’s part, uses direct marketing complex in a nonclassical form, for our activity aims at changing behavior but creating preferences.
A classic marketing mix has commodity in its core.

Social Direct Marketing O2

The Social Direct Marketing core contains changing behavior to address recent social demand.

The Social Direct Marketing O2 services include:

  • copyright;
  • corporate communications;
  • design;
  • SMM.

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